


St Ives Residential Painting

This quaint bungalow was a pleasure to repaint. We have completed a number of projects for this client and always enjoy working with them and the friends they constantly refer us to. Everything was painted internally and externally on this one including the hand-painted kitchen cabinets which turned out stunning.

Bronte Interior & Exterior House Painting

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This stunning Bronte project spanning over 5 stories was another new build. Working in concert with the builder, this project took 18 months to complete due to its scale. Again, the ceilings and were painted in subtle off white tones to showcase the property’s woodwork finish. Due to it’s proximity to the ocean the 4 […]

Duffys Forest House Painting

This large home presented many challenges. When we arrived to quote, the woodwork paint finish was failing both internally and externally. The paint was peeling throughout and powdery to the touch. We hand sanded every door and window, filled and undercoated and finished with a semigloss finish. This was a lengthy process as there are […]

Northbridge Timber Finish

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The highlight of this residence is its “clear finish” woodwork. Dulux water-based products were used, and the immaculate finish was achieved by sanding and sealing all timber before construction. This old school technique is rarely used these days but guarantees an immaculate finish every time. This project won the MPA awards for excellence “best timber […]

Bronte Interior & Exterior House Painting

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MDS undertook the painting contract of this new build residential project in 2014. Being a complicated project spanning four storeys, a professional approach was required from the outset. The interior was a combination of gyprock and white set plaster. A simple off-white colour was used to highlight the woodwork. The woodwork is a four-part Sikkens […]

Clontarf Interior & Exterior Painting

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This beautiful timber coastal home situated on the secluded Clontarf beach was a delight to work on. This project was a new build and was constructed almost entirely with timber, therefore everything had to be painted to a very high standard using water-based products on all timber, and a marine-grade epoxy system on the metal […]

Avalon Residential Painting & Timber Finishes

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This beautiful timber coastal home situated on the secluded Avalon beach was a delight to work on. The paint was matched with the painted woodwork (oxblood colour) which resulted in a stunning result. The projects bespoke bed, bath and kitchen counter were had treated by MDS with Japanese Tung oil. This maintains the natural look […]

St Ives House Painting

The painting of this new build was completed in concert with the builder, and the owner is another regular customer. It was a large domestic project using matt finishes internally and low sheen finishes externally to catch the light. The project was completed over 8 months and the finished project is visually pleasing to the […]